Alan Koch: Growing Vandas in the Home
We are pleased to welcome Alan Koch of Gold Country Orchids in Lincoln, California. Alan is an internationally known speaker and an expert in the Brazilian Cattleya alliance and a trend setter in miniature Cattleya breeding.
Alan has been published in the Orchid Digest, and the American Orchid Society magazines. He is a past member of the AOS Judging Committee, and the Research Committee, as well as an Accredited Judge and is Vice-chair and Training Coordinator for the California Sierra Nevada Judging Center. Alan also served two terms on the Orchid Digest Executive Committee and Board of Directors, and is one of the current directors, as well as a Trustee for the AOS.
October 10th, 2016
6:45PM at St. Anne’s Church in Gorham.
Visitors and New Members always welcome!